Helpful Advice

Planning and Timing

There are many factors you will need to take into account when planning your pool project. From the type of material you will use for the pool, to how it will fit in with your pool landscaping, to employing the right contractors to do the job as well as selecting the right time of year to start your project – there’s a lot to think of with pool planning.

However, one of the most important factors is working out how long it will take to complete: the all important time factor! When our customers enquire about a set time for the pool construction and ask us when it will be completed and ready for use, we always do our best to offer an accurate time frame. Having years of experience installing different types of pools, our team has a pretty good idea of how long it will take, depending on a variety of factors.

Here is our top 5 tips to consider:

1. Timing revolves around your holistic landscaping plan

Timing will depend somewhat on how you have planned for other related landscaping features, such as a backyard stone pathway or the building of a new deck. Your overall plan may include the extensive upgrading of the backyard pool area. The construction of the pool will need to fit in with these factors. You may need to ask whether other landscaping will need to be completed before installing the pool or vice versa. Important considerations such as factoring in the pool fencing may need to be thought through first before installing the pool.

To help your project, either work with a landscaping design professional or discuss your timeline with the various tradespeople you may be working with to ensure all work is completed in the most efficient order possible. Time spent on the pool planning process will save money (and perhaps problems) later in the pool building process.

2. Concrete or fibreglass pool?

The decision between concrete or fibreglass pool will make a big difference to the time taken before the completion of the construction of the pool. You can expect to wait for a couple of months for a concrete pool to be finished and ready for use, depending on the size and shape. This contrasts with the far shorter time — usually only a matter of days — for the pre-moulded fibreglass pool, which is already manufactured and will only require installation at your site.

3. The time of year you install a pool

The time of year you choose to build a pool area will also influence how long it takes before it is available for use. The demand for pools is usually higher in the warmer months. This means, pool builders are in greater demand in spring and summer and may not be available at the time you wish to install a pool.

If you want your pool landscaping process to be done as quickly as possible, plan ahead in the cooler months. Contact your pool installer early on to book their services before the busy season begins. You may not be able to have your pool installed in the winter, but depending on your climate, it may be possible to start the process months before the heat of summer, which means even with a concrete pool installation, you’ll be cooling off in your beautiful new pool when the weather heats up.

4. Council approval

How long it ultimately takes to build a pool is also heavily influenced by the efficiency of the local council approval process. Every pool project must be approved by the council. Approval usually takes anywhere from four to six weeks — depending on your council.

The application process can be undertaken by your pool builder, so contact them early on to get your approval process started. Also, you can enquire with your council at the pool planning stage to get an idea of the time taken for approval.

5. Organising tradespeople

A key part of the pool planning is the coordination of all contractors involved in the pool building. This will include electricians, fencers, concrete layers, tilers as well as pool installers. Juggling the times that each are available may influence the time it takes to build a pool area. Again, careful planning will help you avoid long delays waiting for contractors to become available.

Also, working closely with your pool builder will help you save time and money as they may be able to suggest contractors they trust and have previously worked with successfully. A quality pool builder will suggest good fellow contractors, those whose work will be efficient and of a high-quality.

How long does it take to build a pool?

There is no single answer to this question. Ultimately, the earlier you get started with building your OI Pool, the more leeway you’ll have to deal with issues that may slow your project down, such as trouble booking contractors or waiting for a long council approval for your pool plan.
You might want to start organising everything asap, well before moving into your new house to expedite the process. Don’t forget that good pool builders are busy and can be booked out for months in advance!
Start with a solid plan and consult with your pool builder and other landscaping professionals to make sure your timeline will be able to unfold as planned. Decide what type of pool you want, as well as what additional features you want to include in the pool landscaping. Have this figured out at the beginning, as every choice you make will impact the timing of the project. With a clear idea of timing, and flexible expectations, you’re ready to experience a positive pool installation process and to start enjoying your pool soon.

Concrete or fibreglass: Which to choose?

Picture of a Fibreglass Pool
Fibreglass vs Concrete

You’ve decided to take the plunge and go ahead with your dream of installing an in-ground pool for the enjoyment of all your family. Now there are many decisions to make, firstly whether a concrete or fibreglass pool would best suit your requirements. So let’s take a look at the different reasons one option might suit your particular needs better than the other.

Why Choose a Fibreglass Pool?

  • Quick installation: if ease and speed of installation is important to you, then fibreglass is the best option. Fibreglass pools are manufactured in a factory and delivered to your site readymade once your excavation is completed. Installation can take as little as one week to complete with a fibreglass pool, whereas concrete pools can take many weeks, and even months, to complete.
  • Visually appealing surface with no need for tiling: a quality fibreglass pool will have a visually appealing underwater surface that looks stunning as is, with no need for the further time and expense of tiling or pebblecreting.
  • Easy maintenance: a quality fibreglass pool will have a smooth gelcoat surface that repels algae by making it harder for it to establish and grow, making fibreglass pools easier and less expensive to clean and healthier for your family as fewer chemicals are necessary. Less time on cleaning also allows more time to enjoy your new pool.
  • Minimal ongoing care: concrete and vinyl liner pools require repainting or resurfacing periodically over their lifetime, while fibreglass pools rarely require such upkeep. Simply following the manufacturer’s instructions on basic care should keep your fibreglass pool in great condition.
  • Warmer water: pool owners who have experience of using both concrete and fibreglass pools report that fibreglass pools are generally warmer, heating up faster than concrete and retaining the warmth for longer periods.
  • Strength and reliability: fibreglass is both super-strong and flexible as a building material. Compass Pools offer lengthy warranties to back up the reliability of their products, and offer added strength, durability and chemical resistance with its own patented ceramic composite technology.

Are There any Drawbacks to a Fibreglass Pool?

  • Design limitations: fibreglass pools are manufactured in a factory, rather than made onsite, so you can only choose from a range of predetermined shapes that are limited further by width requirements so they are transportable by road. Compass Pools, for example, supply pools up to 4.2 metres wide. However, 95 per cent of the time you will find that manufacturers have a large range of shapes and sizes you can order and it’s generally easy to find a pool to suit your site requirements. Lengths of Compass pools are ranging from 2.85m for the shortest Plunge pool up to 25m and more for a custom length Fast lane pool. Many Compass dealers offer customisation services, so you can include extras such as a swim-out, beach entry or lounge area in your pool design and create “spa pools” or “swim spas“.

Why Choose a Concrete Pool?

  • Design flexibility: the biggest benefit of building a concrete pool is the ability to create any shape or design you desire as they are made onsite to your design specifications.
  • Aesthetic considerations: as with design and shape, a concrete pool gives wider opportunities for creating a truly unique pool, with a range of surface finishes to choose from including pebble and tiles. With a concrete pool, if you have a sufficient budget, the end result can be customised to suit your preferences and achieve a unique result.
  • Strength: from a structural point of view, concrete pools have strength and durability that endures. This is attested to by existing concrete pools that have been in use for many decades.

What are the Drawbacks of a Concrete Pool?

  • Length of build time: onsite construction of a concrete pool can take several months, opposed to several weeks or less for a fibreglass pool, meaning a longer period of machinery noise, workers on site and disruption.
  • Cost: concrete pools are invariably more expensive than fibreglass options as more complex designs and onsite delays can create cost overruns.
  • Rough surfaces underfoot: a common dislike of concrete pools is that they can be tough on bare feet and cause grazes and scrapes, especially if the kids enjoy a bit of rough and tumble when playing in the pool.
  • Higher daily maintenance costs: as a surface, concrete can be porous and absorb water, making it an ideal breeding surface for algae and bacteria. Concrete pools typically take up a great deal more time and money than fibreglass pools in order to keep them healthy and safe to swim in.
  • Danger of black algae: without vigilant regular maintenance, the porous concrete surface can develop black algae colonies, which are almost impossible to eradicate once established.
  • More expensive on-going upkeep: concrete pools require greater ongoing care and maintenance than fibreglass pools, generally requiring repainting or resurfacing at least once every 10 to 15 years.

Are all Fibreglass Pools Equal?

In short, they are not. Leading Australian fibreglass pool manufacturers offer reliable and long-lasting products, and in addition, Compass Pools offer significant differences that make them stand out. One such exclusive advantage offered by Compass is the use of Ceramic Composite Technology (CCT), developed and patented in the mid-1990s.
With CCT, super-strength ceramic spheres are mixed into vinyl-ester resin then applied to create a core in the pool’s shell that is super strong and chemical resistant. This core ensures better coping with ground movement, changing soil conditions and the kind of severe weather events that can affect ground water pressure. CCT is used by Compass Pools Australia in every pool shell supplied throughout its entire dealer network.

Concrete or Fibreglass? Now it's up to you to decide!

Looking at the pros and cons, it’s evident that fibreglass pools have many advantages and offer strength, durability and aesthetic appeal while being easier to install and more cost effective to care for than concrete pools. On the other hand, if budget is no object and you are after a unique shape and design, then concrete is the right choice for you.